We’ll welcome you at Interzoo – Nuremberg
26 to 29 May 2016
Hall 6 – booth 130
We met Marie, the biologist of the Aquarium de Liège, at last Interzoo show in Germany in 2014. She wanted a big decor for the shark tank ( 4 meters x 4 meters x height 3,5 meters)
Small clay modell:
This makes it easy to visualize the volumes and know the quantities of rocks we have to make.
After we have made all the elements: setting up in our workshop to check the volumes and the scape, then each rock receives a number for the final setting up in the aquarium.
Some photos by the Aquarium de Liège team ( setting up and after several months)
Video on their Facebook page:
Sébastien Ruaux from Recifal News made a report on our acroporocks with pictures and video:
Part 2 of the article « Which décor for my aquarium? » , here is a concrete example.
You will find other examples on this page, classified by size of aquariums : Exemples/aquariums récifaux.
On 22-11-2013 Alain C. wrote
Sorry for asking, but I’m lost with all your items.
I’d like to start a reef aquarium beginning of next year (size 100x 60 x 60 cm / 40’x24’x24′)
Feeling concerned with ecology,to limit sedimentation and to have a light decor, I’d like to limit the quantity of wild live rocks.
I’ am right if I use only 10 kg of live rocks together with your Aquaroches (in the tank and in the sump)?
My main question is: can you help me to choose a décor for this tank?
For example, I can’t tell if rock 9007, in the middle of the aquarium is too big or not?
9007 in the middle and 2 pilars with eco reef plates…
Or just pilars with eco reef plates…I don’t know…
or something else?
Could you help me, maybe with a quick design with codes of rocks?
I thank you in advance
Kind regards
I forgot the weir on the left back side. I thought I could use rock 0954
Think that’s all
Le 25/11/2013 18:02, Aquaroche a écrit :
Hi Alain
Don’t apologize, it’s normal to ask questions.
Here some photos with the example you suggested: 0954 in the angle
1 pillar 0848 and a central rock 9306.
If we use rock 9007, it can be good but a little too big and you loose the possibility of changing positions of the different rocks that you have with smaller rocks.
For these 3 rocks, dry weight is about 18 kg, wet around 22 kg
Your 360 litres aquarium needs at least 36 kg of active rocks (this is when considering 10 % of aquarium volume)
You can add a complement (minimum 14/15 kilos) of wild rocks, or new eco reef plates or colonised eco reef plates.
You would also need some eco reef plates to ling the different rocks (bridges) and to create overhangs.
kind regards
Le 26/11/2013 09:55, AC. wrote :
Hi Laurence
First I want to thank you for your precse information and the photos, really great !
I was just asking if you could be kind enough to do some more with other rocks?
After thinking about the project, it’s evolving…
As the weir in the left angle is 15 x 25cm, I’d rather see a rock with an angle such as 9516,
bring 9306 in the middle closer to the rear glas and pillar more in the right corner in the front.
The idea is to create 2 different blocks with a sort of beach between them to give a depth effect (in yellow on my design)
You see what I mean?
I wonder if size of theserocks is appropriate, maybe pillar 0848 is too high and 0838 would be sufficient?
height of water level: 54/55 cm (21’/22′)
Thanks forthe information on the additional rocks, I’ll take colonised eco reef plates*.
*In France colonisation of our rocks is made at "La Ferme de Corail".
Le 26/11/2013 15:14, Aquaroche wrote:
Hi Alain
Here pictures with 9516 in the angle and 0838 instead of 0848.
Kind regards
Thank you Laurence !!
Really perfect ! Exactly what I wanted to do !
Now I know exactly what I’m going to do when 2 days ago I was still lost….
Thanks for your kindness and service.
I ‘ll be pleased if you use my request and design on your website, hoping this will help the community.
I’m realy happy;-)
Here some elements to be able to prepare a décor for your aquarium.
For the footprint of the décor, consider each dimension less 5 centimetres on each side for maintenance and cleaning of the glass.
Most aquariums have 3 visible sides, with 1 big side against a wall, but some are different:
Aquarium in a wall: 1 side.
Aquarium visible on all sides, very often square or round aquariums.
Aquarium separating two rooms, with 2 small sides against the wall or just one.
Aquarium in an angle.
Each type of aquariums brings a different type of décor.
Take care of the free accesses between the strengthening pieces.
For aquariums integrated in a wall, think that you’ll have to bring your accessories and rocks over the aquarium.
We made a special big décor for a very large aquarium ( 6 meters long, 1 meter wide et 2 meters high) with elements that had to be under 30 cm as the way was very narrow. Not very easy for people who set up this décor!You have to take their dimensions and position into account to imagine your décor, same for tubes.
Prepare a design with 1 cm for 10 cm, then it’s easier to have the right proportions: front view and top view
Then design the main lines of your décor.
Depending on the type of aquarium (fresh water, cichlid fish, reef aquarium, fish only…,) choose your décor:
Eliminate all décors that are too high or too big:
For a 50 cm high aquarium, the tallest piece will be under 45 cm.
We have just started our Facebook page
Join us and share your pictures, reef experience, your likes…
With this dive-video, you can see the aquascape of the reef aquarium, like a diver in a coral reef.
Camera: Sony-DSC-TX5
To find easily a rock or decor, using its name or code, here a new « search » tool. You have heard about one of our rock Either in « catalogue menu », or directly in the widget on the right: Catalogue / search: You get the item file with category. Then, for more information, go to « Our decors » and choose the right category. For general information on an item, use the « search » box at the top of page, under « language ». A « short » catalogue can be downloaded in « Download« Video: aquarium with cichlid fish
Search by item (code or name)
but don’t know where to find it:
In the « search » box, write name (example : pillar) or code (example: 0838) and enter.